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Horticulture Returns to Fallen London

After a brief and near-apocalyptic summer fad, most of London agrees that gardening in the Fifth City is hazardous to the public health and best left alone. Not so the guerrilla gardeners of the True Horticultural Society, who have identified an opportunity that few have been brave – or foolhardy – enough to see. The rickety expanse of the Flit offers these hard-bitten horticulturalists two things that all good gardens require: unclaimed space, and easy access to the false-stars that suffice for illumination in the Neath.

Since London’s first (and only) Horticultural Show last year we’ve received a lot of requests to bring back the gardening activity. Today, it’s back – with a twist. Since last summer, the noble art of horticulture has been side-lined by the great and the good, and the burgeoning True Horticultural Society has been forced to the rooftops.

Nurture a friendship with London’s suspicious gardeners. Cultivate a Millennium Rose, or rescue a False-Cantigaster Hybrid from its own toxins. Overcome the challenges of gardening in a city where sunlight is not only absent, but frightfully illegal.

Rooftop horticulture is a repeatable activity situated in the Flit. It is available to all players once their 'A Name Whispered in Darkness' quality is four or higher; check difficulties and rewards are intended for players at that stage of game progression.

As well as marking the return of gardening to the Neath, this activity is intended to provide a little more variety of things to do at this stage of progression; to offer more applications for Shadowy that don't (necessarily) involve larceny; and to make it easier to raise your Shadowy by offering a repeatable activity that actually uses Shadowy checks.

You can get involved in gardening from ‘Fingers Both Light and Green’, available in the Flit once your ‘A Name Whispered in Darkness’ quality is 4 or higher.